Mobile Health

MedTap app: your personal physician made digital

Brought to you by the Fantastrial Team.

MedTap is a free medical app developed by Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. It provides basic information for the most common heart diseases through Youtube videos.

As ischaemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation are rapidly increasing in frequency, many questions arise among patients. MedTap was created to give simple answers to common patient questions via short videos.

Who is MedTap for?

It has been clearly stated in-app that MedTap is a reference aid only and should not be used as the sole basis of care for anyone.

In other words, MedTap should be considered as a useful tool for the layperson –especially patients or their family members- that can help in better understanding of certain medical conditions and issues, always in conjunction with appropriate professional assessment.

The app experience

MedTap is a light and straightforward app focusing on three cardiovascular subjects: heart attack, atrial fibrillation and the understanding of the heart and circulation system.

Each topic is divided into subcategories, such as medicines after a myocardial infarction, lifestyle advice and frequently asked questions concerning side-effects and supply. All the information is provided in brief videos featuring UK physicians discussing each topic with simple language.

There is also a “My Notes” section in the app, where users can record their medicines, appointments and test results.

Acknowledged by the ESC

Gayle Campbell is a senior cardiovascular pharmacist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ who led the development of MedTap with the support of the cardiovascular pharmacy team. She presented the app during the most recent ECS Congress, to overwhelming enthusiasm.

Medtap was aptly described as “The clinician’s consultation at the patients’ fingertips” by its founders and the ESC was satisfied to witness digital cardiology progress.


Medtap app stands out for its simplicity and its user-friendly design, being ideal for filling gaps and providing education to patients. All the videos are appealing and share the necessary information in a compendious way, so that the user retention remains high.

Definitely, Medtap is a useful app for any cardiovascular patient and could be an essential tool for people seeking a convenient and uncomplicated way to find out more about heart diseases. 

Medtap is available and free to download on both Apple and Android.

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